School Clubs

Digital Skills For Africa is an online-learning platform carefully curated for Africans, by Africans. The platform was developed with years of extensive research on Africa’s Digital Divide, and it aims to stand in the gap for all Africans, catering to different demographics, paying special attention to varying needs.

At Digital Skills for Africa, our mission is to empower individuals across the African continent with the transformative capabilities of digital skills. We work with international development partners and leading education institutions to democratize access to digital resources and skills, close the digital divide, and ensure a digital native Africa. We particularly specialise in digital media and content creation and marketing.


Digital Skills club is an initiative by Digital Skills for Africa aimed at schools and institutions that want to ensure their students are ready for the future, today. It includes subscription to the Digital Skills for Africa platform for students to be trained in various advanced digital skills including app development, website management, digital marketing and multimedia production. The various courses are learnt over a period of 8 weeks through a hybrid package that includes in-person training support and guided learning on our website. The Digital Skills Club package includes:

  • Free orientation of the DSA App & Website by our trainer
  • Access to 2 advanced DSA courses in programming, web development, Productivity Packages etc.
  • Guided learning once a week
  • WhatsApp group with dedicated trainer
  • Dashboard for school to review learners’ progress
  • Certification for all learners who complete course


  • Ensure that your learners have the opportunity to develop advanced digital skills
  • Introduce a valuable extra-curricular activity for learners and students
  • Position your school/institution as a forward-thinking organization that values skill based development among your learners
  • Pioneer a ground-breaking initiative in Malawi to spearhead the digital revolution
  • Incorporate your curriculum within our platform to allow self-paced learning among students


Duration: 8 weeks/Course (1 hour per week)

Platfrom: Online learning Portal –


  • Self-Paced modules
  • Video Tutorials
  • Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Discussion Forums

Investment: 5% of the Students Fees per Term

Work With Us:

Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Business Development Associate; Ms. Abigail Zingani via, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.

To keep up with the work of Digital Skills for Africa, our hubs under the Kwathu Kollective, our workshops, and our projects, follow us on social media:


About the Author


Founder of Digital Skills for Africa (alongside other organisations and initiatives), Nthanda is a digital media specialist and a graduate student based in Michigan, USA – pursuing an MBA at Michigan State University – Eli Broad College of Business, specialising in Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics. She recently completed her Master of Science in Entrepreneurship, studying the entrepreneurial opportunities posited by Africa's Digital Transformation, and how Africans can better model Information Management Systems for Development. Her Bachelor of Social Science double-majoring Economics & Demography, specialised in the socio-economic impacts of Women's Empowerment. Nthanda teaches Digital Media, Marketing, and Analytics.

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